Will the Fed Keep Its Firm Hand?

|July 9, 2022
Facade on the Federal Reserve Building in Washington DC

Have you visited the Federal Reserve’s website lately?

It seems everyone’s favorite gang of unelected money maestros has quite the opinion of itself.

A proud blue masthead at the top of its site claims it provides “a safe, flexible, and stable monetary and financial system.”

Hmm. Yeah…

That’s not happening.

Empty promises from Big Gov are nothing new, of course. We can look back 150 years and see that folks in charge had the same overarching goal as today’s do-nothing politicians…

Stay in power. By any means necessary.

Whether that means pushing an agenda that has no chance of becoming reality… or simply lying to constituents…

Like, say, denying that we’re most certainly heading toward a recession…

White House Headline

News Headline

The actual numbers tell a different story.

Which do you trust?

The No. 1 Threat to Your Money

It’s been said in these pages again and again. It isn’t inflation, geopolitical turmoil or even crumbling stocks that pose the biggest threat to your money…

It’s the folks in Washington.

Just look at what a difference a few years makes…

In the chart below, we see the performance of the S&P measured against the increase in dollars flowing into crypto. The blue line represents rising interest rates.

The trouble for investors, as you know, kicks in right around the start of 2022. The mere notion of a rate increase was enough to pop the crypto bubble. And while crypto was the most speculative of all “frothy” trades… it certainly wasn’t alone.

Nearly everything has sold off as the Fed has yanked rates higher.


The chart doesn’t tell us anything we didn’t already know. Investors have grown quite accustomed to near-zero rates. And they don’t care for the sudden intrusion of reality.

It was more of the same as Jay Powell doubled down last month, bumping up rates by another 0.75 points.

The question is… Will he keep his firm hand?

The fates of 401(k)s, IRAs and pensions around the nation are in the balance.

Good News

You might be wondering just how this all came to be…

How the whims of an unelected few could have so much power over us and our economy.

The good news is… you’re a Manward Financial Digest subscriber.

Fed Proof Your Portfolio

We’ve got the answer for you – along with some other crucial ideas – RIGHT HERE, in our special “Fed primer.”

It’s yours, totally free of charge. And I urge you to check it out sooner rather than later.

Because the info we’ve packed into this almost 40-page e-book has never been more vital.

Very few folks these days have any idea about…

  • The unscrupulous origins of the Federal Reserve
  • The powerful men who attended its first meeting
  • How, in modern times, it’s completely rewriting the rules of investing.

If you don’t already understand just how much power the Fed wields over your money… prepare to be blown away.

Alex Moschina
Alex Moschina

Alex Moschina is the former associate publisher of Manward Press. A gifted writer, editor and financial researcher, Alex’s career in publishing began more than a decade ago when he worked at one of the world’s leading providers of academic research and reference materials. Alex first cut his teeth in the realm of investing when he joined the team at White Cap Research in 2010. There he was charged with covering emerging market trends and investment opportunities. A stint as senior managing editor and editorial director at the prestigious Oxford Club followed. A frequent speaker at conferences and events, Alex has led educational workshops across the U.S. and Canada.