The No. 1 Way to Make Money in This Market

The tie between our money and our Liberty has never been as obvious as it is today. But it’s not our job to point out the obvious.

Markets Are Telling Us They Want To Go Higher: Here’s What to Do

There’s a difference.

A rally won’t let you down. In fact, a rally will give you an opportunity to make money, hand over fist, four days a week… and it only takes one hour per day.

My friend and colleague, Andrew Keene, has devised a system that can make you four-figure windfalls, every day, four days a week.

And it only takes an hour, every day.

You don’t have to take my word for it. Just ask Steve Milton, who made $250,000 with Andrew’s system.

Or Carrie Saunders, who made $3,000… three days in a row.

Or Mark Befano, who made $706,000 in only one year.

Andrew’s system made it possible for these folks to grab mind-boggling windfalls, and he can do the same for you.

He’s willing to share his secrets, all you have to do is click here.

Now, here’s what the market’s trying to tell us.. and what to do about it right now

Drawing a Line Between Our Connections

When we wrote about the greatest form of wealth, we never would have guessed it would be such a controversial topic.

Capital Wave Forecast: Risk On, and On, and On, And…

Summer’s not officially here yet, but the heat sure is. Markets are sizzling and investors are feeling it.

It’s Risk On, all the way.

Until of course the heat wave investors are enjoying gets dumped on by any number of named storms brewing out on the near horizon.

What storms?

Bella-Bankruptcy, Brad-Breadth, Elanor-Unemployment, Maggie-Mortgage, Ralph-Retail, and Ollie-Overpriced. They’re just tropical depressions according to bullish forecasters. At least they are for now.

So, get your Risk On!

The Big Lie of Food Labels

How can we be sure we’re putting healthy food in our bodies if our government misleads us?

What’s Worth Remembering Today

It’s worth remembering today that government and country are two vastly different things. In fact, they’re often in opposition…

A Tidal Wave of Bankruptcies Could Sink the Stock Market

Thousands of American companies are sliding towards bankruptcy. Many of them are publicly traded companies.

The Federal Reserve’s buying some failing companies’ bonds in an effort to keep them alive.

It’s not going to work.

The coming tidal wave of bankruptcies will overwhelm the Fed’s rescue efforts and could sink the stock market.

Here’s what’s coming our way.

Don’t Hire Your Friends… and Don’t Make Friends With Your Employees

It might be tempting to hire your friends to work with you, but there are some drawbacks you need to consider.

Can These Extreme-Altitude Wines Reverse Aging?

At more than 8,400 feet above sea level, in the most extreme growing conditions on Earth, these vines have some unusual characteristics… and benefits.

How the Federal Reserve Hijacked Free Markets and Ushered in Socialism

The Federal Reserve’s promised to be the support pillar that holds up America’s capital markets. And they’ve promised to hold up the economy.

Too bad the price America’s paying is our way of life.

Here’s the short story how the Fed hijacked free markets and ushered in socialism, and how to win our freedom back