This Here Isn’t a Housing Bubble… It’s an Opportunity

|February 23, 2022

Housing is hot.

The entire industry is booming, with demand for houses high and the prices of those houses even higher. The median value of a house in the United States right now is 20% higher than it was last year as high demand bids up prices.

And, according to some, this wild price growth (and dwindling affordability) can’t last. The boom has become a bubble, and something has got to give.

Or so they say.

Frankly, I don’t believe it – and neither should you. What we’re experiencing isn’t a bubble. It’s an opportunity for us to play on others’ fears that it is.

Click below to watch today’s video and grab my latest housing play.

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In case you missed it, NVR Inc is listed on the New York Stock Exchange as NVR. Grab up your fractional shares today.

If you’re new to the fractional shares play, I suggest you read my article on the topic, which you can read by clicking here.



Shah Gilani
Shah Gilani

Shah Gilani is the Chief Investment Strategist of Manward Press. Shah is a sought-after market commentator… a former hedge fund manager… and a veteran of the Chicago Board of Options Exchange. He ran the futures and options division at the largest retail bank in Britain… and called the implosion of U.S. financial markets (AND the mega bull run that followed). Now at the helm of Manward, Shah is focused tightly on one goal: To do his part to make subscribers wealthier, happier and more free.