Big Gains in Less Than Two Weeks… There’s More Where That Came From

|November 10, 2021
Stock Market Boom

This is why we do what we do… and are so darn proud of it.

Just a few months ago, we told our team that it was time… time to branch out and expand our offerings.

Our little passion project was growing.

After much scouring and a whole lot of, “No… he’s not right” or “No, she just doesn’t have the right attitude,” my team sent me a link to a story that touted a ” TikTok sensation” in its headline.

After some digging, we knew what we had to do.

We had to land this phenom.

You know, of course, that our hard work paid off.

We did what no one else has done. We landed Alpesh Patel and brought him to an American audience for the first time ever.

What a treat it has been.


Less than two weeks ago, we opened the door to his new offerings for the first time. The folks who watched Alpesh’s hit interview with famed talk show host Buck Sexton and then followed his research have been rewarded.

You may recall that Alpesh kicked things off by recommending three oddball stocks.

As we write, one is up 5%…

Another is up 19%…

And the third just rose 34% in a single day…

That’s incredible. And it’s been less than two weeks.

That’s the power of never settling and never succumbing to the siren call of mediocrity.

It’s making Manward the talk of the industry.

Shutting It Down?

But like we said from the beginning… charter access to Alpesh’s recommendations is quite limited.

It has to be.

That means it’s now… or, quite possibly, never.

We’re closing the door on this first-time-ever opportunity tonight at midnight.

That means you could miss out on the next set of winning recommendations… and the next set after that… and all those that come later.

Alpesh’s bio speaks for itself. He’s worked with some of the most exclusive names on the planet. Royalty… billionaires… and prime ministers.

And now… he’s working with us.

We’re so proud.

So you’ll excuse us if this morning’s essay is a bit pushier than normal. There’s no note from Jimmy Hoffa… no exciting details on the latest opportunity… and, woe is us, not even a mention of interest rates.

We reckon you’ll forgive us, though.

So if you haven’t watched Alpesh’s big interview… or if you haven’t quite decided whether his style is for you…

Here’s the link you need.

But remember, it’ll be live only until midnight tonight.

After that, this chance is gone for good.

Click here now.

Note: Okay… one quick mention of interest rates. If you watched Alpesh’s interview, you know one part of his winning formula involves the cash returned on a company’s investments. As we write, the real yield on the 10-year Treasury is sitting near a record low. That makes the figure Alpesh tracks more critical than ever. He details why it’s so important here.

Andy Snyder
Andy Snyder

Andy Snyder is an American author, investor and serial entrepreneur. He cut his teeth at an esteemed financial firm with nearly $100 billion in assets under management. Andy and his ideas have been featured on Fox News, on countless radio stations, and in numerous print and online outlets. He’s been a keynote speaker and panelist at events all over the world, from four-star ballrooms to Capitol hearing rooms.