The Most Dangerous Investment Opportunity of the Next Century

|December 15, 2022
Chimney smoke with blue sky

It’s the biggest – and most economically dangerous – investment opportunity of the next century.

Billionaires will be minted. Economic rules will be rewritten. And global trade will be upended.

Folks who play it right will do just fine – great, even.

Folks who get it wrong… Oh boy, there’s a warm spot in financial purgatory waiting for them.

It has to do with something we’ve written about before. We even told our paid subscribers how to invest in it a couple of years ago. But now… those fine, forward-thinking leaders in Europe are starting to force the market’s hand.

Late on Tuesday night, the continent’s lawmakers agreed on terms for a new “carbon border adjustment mechanism.”

No… it’s not some high-tech new border wall proposal (although the U.S. is preparing for a similar plan).

That’d make too much sense.

What this “border adjustment mechanism” does is add tariffs to goods coming from countries that have yet to adopt formal carbon-reduction regulations.

The price hikes will go into effect in 2023 and will affect everything from steel to fertilizer and – to the dismay of the continent’s cold and shivering – electricity.

The aim, of course, is to save the world by coercing “dirty” countries into cleaning up their acts by slicing holes in their wallets.

“It is one of the only mechanisms we have to incentivize our trading partners to decarbonize their manufacturing industry,” said the group’s lead extortionist negotiator, Mohammed Chahim.

Here’s the deal with this first-in-the-world tariff setup…

It’ll be a disaster for the unsuspecting and the unprepared. But it’ll be a boon for the folks about to get their arms around yet another “climate focused” money grab.

The unknowing will suffer as once-cheap goods surge in price, making everyday living that much more expensive – as if the cost of living in Europe could get much higher.

But, of course, big money will change hands.

It must. Global trade is at stake.

The EU’s dirty partners aren’t suddenly going to clean up their acts because of this tariff. That’s not how the world works, darling.

Instead, most industries will cheat. And the rest will buy their way out of the pinch.

Straight from Reuters…

Companies importing those goods into the EU will be required to buy certificates to cover their embedded CO2 emissions. The scheme is designed to apply the same CO2 cost to overseas firms and domestic EU industries – the latter of which are already required to buy permits from the EU carbon market when they pollute.

See how this works?

Your coal plant can still dump smoke into the clouds. Your steel factory can still choke the neighbors. That’s fine… as long as you pay the government first.

This is the same European government, by the way, that just saw loads of its leaders busted for having suitcases full of bribe money.

This deal is no different, really.

The opportunity in all this, as we detailed when we wrote about how Tesla truly makes its money, is the nascent carbon credit market.

The market is still a scattered mess, with the government’s sticky hands distorting it all. But we’re starting to see how it will come together. For the folks who own or earn carbon credits, this new regulatory scheme amounts to a hefty payday.

Folks who generate carbon credits (by making or creating things the government wants – like electric cars or wind energy) will have an ever-growing market at their fingertips. Because of rules like this new one, demand is about to greatly outpace supply.

Big money will be made. It is already being made, in fact.

The little guy who wants in on the action has just a few options right now. There are a few credits that trade on the blockchain. More are on the way.

Buy them when you can.

In the meantime, the economics for publicly traded companies that earn these credits are changing dramatically. Those companies are the best way to play this trend. Their value just went up.

The market hardly noticed.

But it will once these new tariffs kick in and European import prices start to soar.

Big money is on the line.

It’s just like the EU’s negotiator said, “The polluter is really going to pay, and we are pushing the rest of the world to do the same.”

Prices are on the rise!

Andy Snyder
Andy Snyder

Andy Snyder is an American author, investor and serial entrepreneur. He cut his teeth at an esteemed financial firm with nearly $100 billion in assets under management. Andy and his ideas have been featured on Fox News, on countless radio stations, and in numerous print and online outlets. He’s been a keynote speaker and panelist at events all over the world, from four-star ballrooms to Capitol hearing rooms.