A Powerful Investing Tip for Times Like These

|October 6, 2023
Tired and worried business man at workplace in office holding his head on hands after late night work

We have a powerful investing tip for you today. It’s perfect for times like these.

Things are dicey out there.

Mortgage rates are rising. The job market is still tight. And the Fed has promised to keep rates higher for longer.

It’s as if our preppy lil’ bull market stumbled into a rough-and-tumble biker bar… and scratched an old Panhead on the way in.

But here’s the thing. It’s a lesson we had drilled into our head in a former life long, long ago, back when we got paid to wrangle the bad guys.

“You need to walk into any room and know how to kill everybody in there,” we were taught.

Harsh words, you may agree. Such an idea could get us canceled in 2023. We should be handing out hugs and participation trophies, not mulling all the ways we could defeat our enemies… right?

But that sort of thinking makes sense only to the ill-informed.

To the folks with a kernel of sense, it’s clear we were taught something more than just self-defense.

We were taught a mindset.

Survival comes first. Always.

If we walk into a room and wonder about the drapes and the texture of the carpet… we’re setting ourselves up for trouble. There’s time for that later, sure. But safety comes first.

It’s a powerful idea – incredibly powerful.

And it doesn’t tie to just biker bars and public spaces. It’s equally powerful when applied to Wall Street.

The Right Mindset

As investors, we must have the mindset that we can conquer anything that’s thrown at us. We must prepare ourselves for victory no matter the situation.

If you’re panicking because you need stocks to rise… you’re in trouble.

If you’re scared because interest rates are rising… welcome to hell.

If you can’t sleep tonight because a single ticker symbol fell big this afternoon… have mercy.

You need to be able to walk into any room and know how to defeat all comers.

Fortunately, it’s a lot easier to do that on Wall Street than it is on Main Street. In the investing world, we have access to incredible diversification tools: derivatives, gold, inverse ETFs and even insurance.

Are you using them?

For most folks, the answer is no.

We met with one longtime retiree this week who was biting his nails because his 401(k) has plunged over the last year. It’s his only real source of income.

He’ll get pummeled if the folks in the bar start to rumble.

If the market’s current mess has you worried, focus on your mindset. Walk into the room with a plan for how to win no matter what happens.

If you do… you will.

Note: This is exactly why we launched our Breakout Fortunes Summit with Robert Ross yesterday. His strategy for picking stocks that have the potential to generate rare gains as high as 10,000% in five years is perfect for times like these. The event was so popular… our servers crashed! Check out the free replay right here.

Andy Snyder
Andy Snyder

Andy Snyder is an American author, investor and serial entrepreneur. He cut his teeth at an esteemed financial firm with nearly $100 billion in assets under management. Andy and his ideas have been featured on Fox News, on countless radio stations, and in numerous print and online outlets. He’s been a keynote speaker and panelist at events all over the world, from four-star ballrooms to Capitol hearing rooms.