A New War Is Heating Up… and Our Money Is the Weapon

|March 10, 2022

It’s a war for – and against – your money.

The folks who study such dire things said the next war would be digital. They said it’d be filled with cyberattacks, digital espionage and grand-scale hacking.

They were wrong.

Like most things, the truth takes the path of least resistance.

The next war, it turns out, has already started. And it’s not a cyberwar.

It’s a war where money is the weapon. And “Little Boy” has already been dropped. The fuse for the nuclear option was lit within the first week of fighting.

We turn back – way back – to the wise words of somebody who saw all of this coming.

In a letter to John Taylor dated May 28, 1816, Thomas Jefferson wrote wise words.

I sincerely believe with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies; & that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale.

Oh boy… we’ve all been swindled. Rising prices and a shaky economy prove Jefferson’s second notion. Our great nation has spent a lot in the name of “funding,” yet all it’s gotten us are cries for more.

But it’s not the obvious we intend to point out this morning.

It’s Jefferson’s first line that had us eager to pick up our pen.

The New Army

Banking establishments, Jefferson wrote, are more dangerous than standing armies.

Ain’t that right, Mr. Putin?

Wouldn’t you agree, Mr. Canadian Trucker… or Mr. Gun Shop Owner… or any other proprietor the government deems unnecessary these days?

As we watch a new chapter enter the history books, perhaps it’s wise to thumb back a few hundred pages to get to the truth of things.

You might imagine the nation’s first central bank wasn’t all that popular. Getting its start in 1791, the big fear was its formation would give the big boys all the power. The doubters said the rich industrialists would get all the attention, while the lowly farmer – who needed the banks to cash flow their operations – would get pushed aside.

That same debate continues today. But the stakes are even higher. The rich, it turns out, got richer.

Mr. Jefferson, though, took things a bit deeper. He said a central bank is unconstitutional. He said if Washington were allowed to create such a beast… its reach would be unlimited.

Time has tended to agree.

But it gets worse…

In a passage that doesn’t get all that much attention, Jefferson slapped at the perverted idea that our modern economy pivots on. It was written in a letter to Thomas Cooper in 1814.

The art and mystery of banks… is established on the principle that “private debts are a public blessing.” 

The more debt there is, Jefferson rightfully argued, the happier the banks are… and therefore, the greater our economy is.

But debt, as we all know, isn’t really money. It’s merely the promise of money. Unless converted into something useful and real, it serves no greater good. It can disappear just as quickly as it appears.

Worse, it can be used as a powerful weapon.

When the “public blessing” is reliant on debt, suddenly the system behind it becomes quite an immortal army.

With one nod of the head, the serfs and peasants are cut off. The enemies are beheaded. And Putin is pushed out of the world’s economy.


But while Washington quickly went nuclear on its enemy, we must not forget the lasting, cancerous fallout. Putin will be fine. He turned the iron curtain into a lead shield. The fallout can’t reach him.

But Russia’s poor… they’ll be suffering for ages.

As the cloud of contaminated ash drifts across the globe, all the serfs will pay – first with rising energy prices, then with the soaring cost of food. And the inevitable end result… more power in the hands of folks who don’t deserve it.

There is no quick fix. The bombs have been dropped.

All we can do is think of Jefferson and ponder how right his words were.

A final quote, which says so much…

If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.

We’re not there yet, but the old man hasn’t led us astray yet.

The war for your money is heating up.

The consequences are dire.

Note: Don’t wait to see those consequences play out. There are five steps you can take today to protect your money from the many ways it can be taken away. Details here.

Andy Snyder
Andy Snyder

Andy Snyder is an American author, investor and serial entrepreneur. He cut his teeth at an esteemed financial firm with nearly $100 billion in assets under management. Andy and his ideas have been featured on Fox News, on countless radio stations, and in numerous print and online outlets. He’s been a keynote speaker and panelist at events all over the world, from four-star ballrooms to Capitol hearing rooms.