9 for 9 in One Week: How to Trade a Volatile Market

|October 18, 2022

Alex Green: What Bill O’Reilly Said FLOORED Me

Love him or hate him… Bill O’Reilly always manages to get people’s attention.

A short time ago… he got mine.

I’ve known him for years… he’s been a reader of mine and has become a good friend. But recently he told me…

“I came away from that cabinet meeting believing Trump is perhaps the best prepared new president in history.”

In short… The next few years are going to change EVERYTHING in America. Trump has already declared that he is going to unleash "the most extraordinary economic boom the world has ever seen."

And whether you like his politics or not… The stage is set in America for the most pivotal point in our recent history.

I believe that the next four years will bring about the Rebirth of the American Dream… and create 20 million NEW millionaires.

It’s all thanks to one secret power Trump is tapping into

One piece of American-made technology will unleash a force that will expand our economy faster than ever without triggering inflation.

When we launched Manward several years ago… we had a simple goal. We wanted to share good ideas.

Over the years, we’ve brought in top-notch investors, industry-leading doctors and even the world’s most famous farmer.

Those efforts created a daily column that has gained an incredibly devout following. The Manward “tribe” is a powerful and loyal group.

Today… we continue that mission.

You don’t have to read the written word from us today. We’ve got something special for you.

We’ve brought in one of the greatest volatility traders on the planet. He’s an old friend.

With the markets going up and down in ways we’ve seen few times before… we called in a favor to bring something truly special to Manward readers.

If you like good ideas… you’ll like this.

Market commentary, trading ideas and a unique opportunity can be found in this short video…



Andy Snyder: Hey, everybody. We’re doing something different today. Normally in the morning, you see the written word from me, but today, obviously, I’m on video. We have a Zoom call here with somebody I mentioned yesterday, Bryan Bottarelli. I’ve known Bryan – I don’t know if he wants to admit it… I don’t want to admit it – but it’s going on 20 years now.

Bryan Bottarelli: 20 years.

Andy: We’ve certainly been through a good bit together, but I brought him on today because at Manward, our idea, or our goal, is to share ideas. We bring in Joel Salatin, the world’s most famous farmer. Has nothing to do with finance, but yet it has everything to do with what’s going on in the money world these days. We bring in Alpesh Patel, the U.K.’s brightest star in the space. So today we’re bringing Bryan on because he’s up to some really cool things and has a fantastic track record despite all this volatility. If you read yesterday’s Digest, I talked about the volatility. I mentioned Bryan, so why not bring him on?

Bryan, welcome. It’s good to see you again.

Bryan: Yeah, thanks for having me, man. Markets are volatile as ever. It’s going to continue, so we might as well just address it head-on.

Andy: Exactly. So you’re the king of playing volatility. What do you focus on? What do you see? Let’s start with more the mid to long term. We talked about it earlier.

Bryan: Okay.

Andy: Do you think the market’s close to bottoming out? Do we have further to go? Do we still have runaway inflation, or do we have it contained?

Bryan: Do you think inflation is contained by any stretch of the imagination? NO. So here’s the way I look at it. Everyone is constantly on CNBC calling bottoms. That’s the most lazy, the most easy thing anyone could do. “The bottom’s in.” Guess what? No, it’s freaking not.

The bottom is not in, and the bottom is not going to be in, in my opinion, until stocks get so low that people, investors and traders alike, say, “This stock is so inexpensive, I have to buy it here.” We are not there yet. When stocks like FedEx or General Electric or 3M – these major staples – they have to get so low in valuation that people are like, “I just cannot let another day go by without buying.”

Once we see stocks get so low that people then go in, that is when a bounce will actually be sustainable. Because right now, what happens? Every bounce that we see… in two days or even in an hour gets sold into. So when you see bounces getting sold into, that tells you that the bears are still in control. They’re going to be in control until stocks get so incredibly valuable that it’s almost like the Italian “Give me an offer I can’t refuse.” Wall Street is not there yet. So it’s a long way of answering your question and saying that we have not hit bottom yet. I think the bias is still lower.

Andy: Yeah, well, I mean, I’ve written about it a ton of times. Readers will know this. The market wants to create as much pain for as many people as possible. When everybody’s expecting a Fed pivot or to buy the dip that we’re going to go straight back up like we did in 2000 or 2020, the market’s going to cause the most pain to the most people. So like you said, until we have that “blood on the street” moment where nobody wants to touch it, where nobody thinks things are ever going to go back up… Really, if you want your bottom indicator, that’s it. When everybody’s saying stocks are dead and they’re never going to go back up, that’s when you want to buy. Not when the Fed’s getting ready to pivot.

Bryan: The day Jim Cramer says, “Sell everything and go to cash,” you buy that day.

Andy: That’s classic advice. So talking about strategies, what are you doing? I know you just went 9 for 9. You guys are killing it as far as short-term strategies. What are you doing?

Bryan: We just came off an awesome trading week. We’re within an awesome trading month. So right now, we’re on a heater, man. We are shorting bounces. We’re trading ultra-short assets, which means they go up twice the inverse of the major market indexes. So on the S&P 500, we’re trading the SDS. So if the S&P is down 2% on the day, the SDS is up 4%. So we’re trading call options on the SDS and playing sell-offs, and those trades are just ringing the register day after day after day.

I have members emailing us, making tens of thousands of dollars, and almost feeling guilty that they’re making money as the markets go down.

So the way I trade is I latch onto a trend and I stay on that trend until proven otherwise. Right now, the trend is any sort of market bounce: You short that bounce, using the SDS primarily. We also have a Nasdaq one and a Dow one. And as that reverse happens, we play that down, and as the markets reverse – which they have been doing since August, September, October – we just are making money off market downside.

Andy: And you’re giving folks a sneak peek of this – or letting them into it for free. So I mentioned this yesterday to Manward Financial Digest readers, next week you’re hosting your Open House. Tell us about that. It’s exclusive.

Bryan: So the Open House is really a great opportunity. Well, let me actually back up. People all the time keep saying, “Bryan, if you’re such a good trader, if you think you’re so great, why don’t you just give me a week for free of your service and prove it?”

The Open House is my way of saying, “Fine, I will prove it. I’m going to put my money where my mouth is.” In this case, you asked me to come on, so I want to invite your Manward members to check out what we’re doing in The War Room. If they’ve never traded before, it doesn’t even matter what their level of experience is. This is a way for your members to see what we’re doing – live, in real time, with their very own eyes. I can only describe what we’re doing so much. Your members have to see it for themselves to believe how we’re turning market downside volatility into profit. So this is my way of proving that we as traders are profiting in a downside market – or even in an upside market, in a volatile market – we’re profiting no matter what.

So I want to show people live, in real time, what we’re all about, and that’s what the War Room Open House is. It’s a one-week free trial of The War Room where anyone can sign up – and when I say free, I don’t mean delayed billing or put your credit card in… No credit card, none of that BS. Just sign up, and then you’re in The War Room.

It goes Monday, October 24, to Friday, October 28. So if any of your members want to join The War Room, come to our Open House totally free, see what we’re doing. This is the opportunity for them to check out what we’re doing. I think they’re going to love it. There’s going to be so much information. In the spirit of idea generation, it does not get any better than this. So I’m excited if your members join us and check us out.

Andy: I’m sure they will. I mean, it’s hugely important, because every week I hear from folks who are wanting to do these sorts of trades, but they haven’t done it before. They’re a little timid. They don’t have a handhold. This is the perfect opportunity for those folks.

Bryan: And what we do as part of the Open House is we have five days of training tutorials. So every day at 1 p.m. ET, we post a new training video, and that training video explains what options are, how we trade them, what our methodology is, our unique chart patterns. We line them up, and we show them on-screen what we’re looking for. So even if you have zero trading experience, you’ve never traded an option or even a stock before in your life, these training sessions can help introduce you to how we are trading. Again, the videos are free too. It’s part of the Open House experience.

So you get five days of training videos each at 1 p.m. ET. And then if you miss it, we will replay it for you. But at the end of that five days, your members will have a very good example and illustration of what we’re looking for and how we trade. And we walk them through it step by step. We hold their hand throughout the entire process. Again, it’s a great way to just give people an observation window into how we trade day in, day out. So I really urge your members, if they’ve never checked out The War Room before, this is a great opportunity to just see what we’re doing – full disclosure, totally free.

Andy: I mean, it’s in the spirit of everything that Manward stands for. We’re delivering ideas, and this is just – I wrote about it yesterday – another tool in your tool chest.

Bryan: Totally.

Andy: Thanks, Bryan. We’ll put a link here and below this video so folks can check it out. We’ll send reminders throughout the week that this is happening.

Bryan: Great.

Andy: But viewers, readers, get in on this. This is a great opportunity. Like Bryan said, there’s no BS behind it. You don’t have to even have your credit card out. Just a full week of free trading advice, free trading ideas. Take advantage of it. It’s really all we can say on it. So, Bryan, I appreciate your time. It’s been great knowing you all these years and working with you. Always a good experience.

Bryan: You’re not going anywhere, are you?

Andy: I know. It sounds a little negative, but yeah. I’ll still be here. Yeah, we’re in good shape.

Bryan: Yeah, I’m really excited for your members. I think if any Manward viewer out there has ever thought to themselves, “Man, I think I should maybe start getting into trading,” but you don’t really know how, this is the perfect way to check out what we’re doing. No cost, no obligation, nothing.

But I’m excited to present the trades that we’re doing because, again, we’re on a heater, man, and I want everyone to participate in this red-hot streak. The Open House is a great way to do it. So thanks for having me, man. I’m looking forward to welcoming your Manward members into the Open House. It’s going to be a great week.

Andy: Absolutely. We’ll leave it there. I appreciate your time. Thanks, everybody, for watching today. And absolutely check out this link and sign up to see what Bryan’s doing. Thank you.

Bryan: See you guys.