Do You Own This Crash-Proof Asset? (You Should)

|September 6, 2022
Businessman grabs the head concept with business chart on scoreboard

Editor’s Note: Our good friend Bryan Bottarelli over at Monument Traders Alliance has an urgent message today.

He wants to make sure you are prepared for a big potential crash in September. As you’ll read below, there are a slew of bear market forces he is concerned about.

You must be protected. And Bryan has a special Crash-Proof Asset that can help you not only hedge your long portfolio…

But capture big profits as well… like 10X the market’s downside move!

He just created an urgent presentation on this unique asset. YOU MUST WATCH IT NOW.

Go here to learn a simple way to profit from downturns.

Strap yourself in…

Because a volatile September is coming.

Here’s what you need to know immediately…

Dating back to 1918, the S&P 500 Index has averaged a 1% loss in September (according to Dow Jones market data).

Last year, stocks tumbled 4.8% in September.

Historically speaking, the Dow Jones Industrial Average has posted similar losses to the S&P in September dating back to 1896.

Just look at this chart showing the stock market’s performance in September. The warning signal is flashing bright red. It’s clear as day…

Best and Worst months for Stocks

And while a downtrend might not happen… it’s crucial that you prepare for the worst.

Because the painful truth is…

The market sell-off has already begun.

On August 26, the Dow plunged 1,000 points…

And the losses have continued.

Investors are still worried about interest rate hikes that could throw us into a recession. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell even warned of “some pain ahead.”


Are you kidding me?

I don’t have to go into detail on the other uncertainties weighing on markets.

The Russia-Ukraine conflict, the energy crisis in Europe, climate disasters, China’s supply chain woes…

It’s all in the news every single day.

I’m also not going to say what every “positive thinking,” mainstream market analyst will tell you.

Phrases like…

“Just relax, hang on for the long term, and you’ll be rewarded.”

“The markets ALWAYS recover. So don’t worry.”

I mean, sure, the markets always recover.


But nobody knows how long it will take.

I don’t know about you, but I’m not going to just hope things recover in a few months.

I want to profit – RIGHT NOW.

Heck, some markets take 10 years to recover.

Who has that kind of time?

Not me… and certainly not you.

So today, I’m going to show you something different…

Perhaps even something out of the ordinary.

It’s a superior way to profit – even if the markets crash tomorrow.

You see, the truth is…

You DON’T have to lose money if the markets go down.

You DON’T have to merely tread water, either.

There’s actually a way to double your money – even if the markets crash.

I know, it sounds counterintuitive.

But as you’ll see, my members are doing this right now.

That’s why I’m excited to share this with you today.

What I’m about to show you is something you can use to combat this loser narrative and make huge gains in bear markets.

It involves zero short selling.

It’s not gold…

It’s not put options…

And it’s not crypto.

I call it the Crash-Proof Asset.

In my new presentation, you’ll see exactly how I’ve helped people double their money with this strategy.

I’ve even seen a member grow their account by 704% in just 14 trading days.

Think about that…

Someone just used this Crash-Proof Asset to 7X their entire account… in 14 trading days… all while the markets crashed.

It’s truly amazing.

And it’s also simple.

Once you know how it works, you can profit whenever the market takes a nosedive.

The best part is, it has limited risk. So you can rest easy at night, knowing you’re not going to lose substantial amounts of money.

Action Plan: I expect you to be blown away by this Crash-Proof Asset. I believe it could change your life. Are you ready to learn what it is?


P.S. Want to know how my Crash-Proof traders are doing? Just listen to Nina…

“What a day! This is my biggest profit day EVER. Thanks so much, War Room fam!”

– Nina67 8/16/2022 at 11:58 a.m.

Bryan Bottarelli
Bryan BottarelliHead Trade Tactician, Monument Traders Alliance

Bryan Bottarelli started his career trading stock options on the floor of the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE). There he was mentored by one of the country’s top floor traders in the heart of the technology boom from 1999 to 2000 – trading in the crowded and lively Apple computer pit. As a so-called “play tactician,” Bryan uses his hands-on knowledge of floor trading to shape opportunities and chart formations into elegant, powerful and profitable recommendations. And by using the same hedging techniques taught by professional floor traders, Bryan is able to deliver his readers remarkable gain opportunities while strictly limiting their total risk. Along the way, Bryan has developed a cumulative track record that could impress even the most successful hedge fund manager. He now spends his days moderating one of the most elite trading research forums ever created, The War Room.