The Big Announcement From the G7 Is a Disaster in the Making

|June 8, 2021
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Taxes are going up.

The headline writers are rejoicing. The “multilateralism” that was missing for the last four years is back.

But it’s not hunger, peace or safety the world’s leaders have agreed on.

Nope. The G7 gave the nod to ripping more money out of the hands of the folks who made it, approving a minimum 15% corporate tax.

It won’t affect average folks, they say. They’re after only the big companies that operate in several countries – those greedy multinationals.

Only “the largest and most profitable multinational enterprises” will be affected, the politicians declared.

It’s a farce, of course. A big one.

Average folks are shareholders of these companies. They are customers. They are suppliers. And they are employees. When money goes from where it’s treated efficiently to where it’s spent with political haste, they all suffer.

That’s old news, though.

The folks who care enough to get it already do.

There is a more alarming piece of news you should know about. It has to do with a trend that’s been on our mind and at the tip of our pen. It’s a disaster in the making… a political power grab for the ages.

The Invisible Enemy

It used to be that governments could steal great power only during wars or times of crisis.

That’s no longer the case.

Now they can do it based on science… the same sort of science that had us shunning masks… then legally forced us to wear them… And the same sort of science that said the pandemic was manmade… then said it wasn’t… then said it was again.

You see, while the leaders of the self-described seven greatest nations patted themselves on the back for a cross-family, mafia-style money grab, they also made a much quieter move.

They went after climate change.

In this heavy-handed initiative, they’ve agreed to force banks and similar companies to tell the world about their exposure to climate-related risks.

They want new reporting standards. They want to see who is lending to whom… and which dirty industries are getting all this dirty money.

It’s a tall task… especially when the scientific world doesn’t agree on what’s up and what’s down when it comes to the subject.

“We support moving toward mandatory climate-related financial disclosures that provide consistent and decision-useful information for market participants,” said a press release issued after the group’s chat.

Again, if the same folks who told us to wipe down every surface with bleach before telling us it was all just “theater” are in charge, we’re in trouble. If we can’t determine whether it’s plastic that’s killing fish… or massive, unregulated overfishing… we’re not off to a good start.

But maybe we’re overthinking the G7’s goals. Maybe we’re making up our mind too soon.

Perhaps it’s not the planet they’re looking out for.

But what else could it be?

Let’s keep reading that press release. Maybe there’s a subtle clue.

“This will help mobilize the trillions of dollars of private sector finance needed and reinforce government policy to meet our net-zero commitments,” it continued.

Ahhhh… there it is.

They’re after more money and more power. And they’re not even being subtle about it.

Now it makes sense. It’s genius, really.

It fits the playbook well… and it opens the door to a massive, global carbon tax.

It’s coming, and it will be expensive.

The New Economy

Lots of folks have shared many different views on the reshaping of the financial world. Between digitization and things like crypto, it’s changing fast. But few folks understand the other side of the story… the political side that yearns for higher taxes and more control.

Over the last century, things have changed.

Very few folks used to pay any sort of income tax. The government was told to stay out of our daily lives.

Now, not only have tax rates risen… but new forms of taxation are coming at us at a rate unlike any we’ve ever seen. The government is more involved in our daily lives than ever before.

The cost of being a citizen – not just in dollars, but also in freedom – is growing.

Adjust your investment strategy accordingly.

Andy Snyder
Andy Snyder

Andy Snyder is an American author, investor and serial entrepreneur. He cut his teeth at an esteemed financial firm with nearly $100 billion in assets under management. Andy and his ideas have been featured on Fox News, on countless radio stations, and in numerous print and online outlets. He’s been a keynote speaker and panelist at events all over the world, from four-star ballrooms to Capitol hearing rooms.