This Next Move Means We’ve Failed as a Nation

|June 27, 2023
arrested man with cuffed hands behind prison bars

A thin line separates America from her enemies.

For nearly 250 years, our nation has invested trillions of dollars, sacrificed hundreds of thousands of lives and reorganized the world’s power structure just to defend this fragile but powerful line.

But now, many folks believe we have crossed that line… and become our own enemy – the thing we’ve loved to hate.

We are poking around on well-trodden territory this morning. Lots of commentators have puked up many words on the subject. We’ve hesitated to add our own.

But, then again, we’ve been talking about this subject for a while.

Shortly after launching this little passion project of ours, we made some waves with the rose-colored glasses crowd by unveiling our “Gone to Hell Scale.”

It’s been a tremendous predictor of all that’s come over the last few fateful years.

The scale measures five criteria that are crucial to the success and vitality of a nation: taxation, education, defense, social safety nets… and, the big one these days, the rule of law.

The last time we wrote about the rule of law, we downgraded it. We pointed a finger at New York and its asinine rules that put folks with marijuana convictions at the top of the list to get a license to sell the stuff.

Forget the folks who followed the rules and did what they were supposed to… The state is rewarding the “rebels” who bucked the system (and fueled a multicontinent war over the stuff).

But that seems trivial in light of the news in recent weeks. We’re flirting with a disastrous line in the sand.

Turning Point

On one side lies our granddaddy’s America. On the other side lies all we’ve been fighting against.

We won’t comment on the details of it all. We don’t know fact from fiction, and we don’t trust our sources.

But we’re at a turning point, no doubt.

Leaders are in cuffs. Rumors of payoffs and bribes are swirling. It seems some are playing with one set of consequences, while others play with another.

The idea of equality and justice for all seems to be a farce.

That means everything for your money, your wealth and what lies ahead for the next generation. It’s something we beg readers to pay attention to. It’s more than just a blurb on the evening news or a few raunchy comments on social media.

It’s the stuff we’ve been warned about and the stuff so many folks have died to prevent.

We argue we haven’t crossed the line quite yet. There’s still time to prepare for trouble.

The line has held, but it’s fuzzy and tough to see. Lots of shadows blur it out as the nation stands above it, wondering just how strong it is.

It’s the pinnacle of what our nation stands for. The rule of law is what made our nation a beacon in the dark.

There’s no downgrade in our scale yet. We’re already at a D-.

The next move lower will mean we’ve failed.

This is serious.

Andy Snyder
Andy Snyder

Andy Snyder is an American author, investor and serial entrepreneur. He cut his teeth at an esteemed financial firm with nearly $100 billion in assets under management. Andy and his ideas have been featured on Fox News, on countless radio stations, and in numerous print and online outlets. He’s been a keynote speaker and panelist at events all over the world, from four-star ballrooms to Capitol hearing rooms.