What Andy Revealed in His Big Town Hall
Amanda Heckman|April 2, 2022

“The Most Interesting Market… Ever.”
That was the title of Manward’s live “town hall” meeting, which we held for premium subscribers this week.
Our Zoom line was near capacity as hundreds of folks tuned in to listen to Andy and get what would surely be his ultra-nuanced thoughts on what the heck is going on in the markets.
They weren’t disappointed.
Attendees were given nearly 40 minutes of insights into what’s going on… what to expect… and where investors should focus their attention… and money.
The comments lit up at the end with thoughts, praise and kudos as the craziness of it all was boiled down to just a few simple ideas that make it clear what’s happening isn’t just predictable… but normal.
With charts, figures and percentages… Andy made his strongest case yet for why investors should be bullish on stocks… despite a recession casting a large shadow over the economy.
One Simple Idea
It may sound backward… but the data backs it up. Despite the negative headlines, stocks are sure to soar over the coming months.
It comes down to one simple idea.
As usual, we need look no further than the Beltway. As Andy said in the meeting…
We’re in economic trouble. But because of everything the Fed has done and everything it wants to do (and everything Congress wants to do) – like sending us stimulus checks because our gas prices are going up – equities are going to go higher.
Smart investors know that. Just take a look at the S&P 500 chart Andy shared with viewers… It has two big, bullish indicators.
Our beloved Liberty Indicator is in the green, which means more folks are buying than selling… a sure sign that a stock (or, in this case, a lot of stocks) is headed higher.
On the technical side of things, we’ve broken out of the lower band of our K.I. Channel… another bullish sign of a run higher.
But that wasn’t the only chart that Andy used to make his case. Again, premium subscribers got all the details.
If you weren’t on the call… or haven’t yet become a premium subscriber (tsk, tsk)… know this…
Crypto is up. Tech stocks are coming back. Gold is trending higher. Speculative assets are hot. Long-term interest rates aren’t budging. And the recession threat has already been priced in.
Add it all up, and it’s good news for investors.
In fact, we could not have picked a more perfect time to launch our latest project.
It’s not that often that something this original comes around – once in a generation, maybe. What Andy just revealed to Buck Sexton is not just a new investing idea. It’s a totally new market. And it has the potential to be 10X bigger than the $2 trillion crypto space.
This is the most exciting initiative in Manward’s history. It’s the chance for investors to get in early on something that could be HUGE.

Amanda Heckman
Amanda Heckman is the publisher of Manward Press. With unrivaled meticulousness, she has spent the past 15 or so years in the financial publishing industry. A classically trained musician and a skilled writer in her own right, Amanda takes an artistic approach to the complex world of investing. Her skill has led her to work with numerous bestselling authors, award-winning financial gurus, and – lucky for us – the fine folks at Manward Press.