Mailbag: Your Options Questions… Answered

Mailbag: Your Options Questions… Answered

Now that we’ve busted some big options myths, we’re ready to answer your questions on all things options… starting with when to sell them.

Wall Street’s Biggest Myth, Busted… and What It Means for Your Liberty

Wall Street’s Biggest Myth, Busted… and What It Means for Your Liberty

Every day we come to a fork in the road. We can take the well-worn path traveled by most everyone… or we can turn right and get where we truly want to go.

one hundred dollar in fishing net

The Investing Lesson of a Lifetime

We went to Alaska to fish and came back a far better investor. That’s because the two ideas have a lot in common…

Why You Should Not Pay Off Your Mortgage

Why You Should Not Pay Off Your Mortgage

Mainstream investment gurus extoll the virtues of paying off your mortgage. But they’re wrong. Your mortgage is an essential tool for building wealth.


Mailbag: The Truth Is Calling

What is it about the Truth that nobody likes these days? The spread of the Wuhan coronavirus is a grand story to watch unfold.

friends at dinner

The Odd Thing That Saved a Life

We heard a crazy fact the other day. It proves the immense and undeniable value of our Triad.

war on cash

The State Is Coming for Your Money… Today

The war on cash is real. And it’s happening right now… in a Pennsylvania courtroom today.

connections to get rich

Want to Get Rich? Buy Every Time You Hear These Six Words

How do you tell if a business is a good one? Keep these six words in mind. The next time you say them… take action.

investing is not gambling

Mailbag: How Not to Avoid Losing Money in Stocks

This news comes with perfect timing. Not only could the idea it unlocks make a man rich… but it could keep him out of financial ruin.

stock market buyers and sellers

How We Dominated the Market in 2019

Teaching everyday folks to be world-class investors is a key part of our mission. So here’s a strategy we use that’s worked quite well lately.