Use These Tax “Loopholes” to Get Richer

Use These Tax “Loopholes” to Get Richer

You can take advantage of the same things as the rich to build and protect your wealth.

The One Shortage We Need to Worry About

The One Shortage We Need to Worry About

The only thing we’re not running short of these days is shortages. But this one is the most dangerous.

The Sinister Detail in Biden’s Tax Plan

The Sinister Detail in Biden’s Tax Plan

Privacy wonks should freak. What’s been proposed will have ramifications for generations.

The Real Reason Prices Are Soaring

The Real Reason Prices Are Soaring

Lumber prices are soaring. And the reason is a sign of a much larger problem.

The Two Things Crypto Needs Now

The Two Things Crypto Needs Now

Now that most big banks have jumped headfirst into crypto… two things are critical for success.

Don’t Get Mad About Dogecoin’s 8,800% Return… Get Rich

Don’t Get Mad About Dogecoin’s 8,800% Return… Get Rich

Dogecoin has soared 8,800% so far this year. We say it’s not the gains folks are upset about. It’s the new and odd way they’re coming about.

The Truth About Crypto and Investing

The Truth About Crypto and Investing

Is crypto part of a trend that threatens to massively disrupt the system… or does it stand no chance?

It’s Not a Choice Between Bitcoin and Gold

It’s Not a Choice Between Bitcoin and Gold

We made an important point with our Modern Asset Portfolio this week… That it’s not either/or when it comes to gold and Bitcoin. That kind of thinking can lead to trouble.

The U.S. Tax Code Is a Disaster… and It’s About to Get Worse

The U.S. Tax Code Is a Disaster… and It’s About to Get Worse

Thanks to “E-ZTax syndrome,” our cost of living is about to rise substantially. If you’re unprepared, it will take your quality of life with it.

What Crypto’s Big Week Means for Your Wallet

What Crypto’s Big Week Means for Your Wallet

The news gets better and better… and the opportunities bigger and bigger.