Putting Biden’s Treasury Secretary Pick to the Test
Andy Snyder|November 30, 2020

We saw our heart beating last week.
It’s a cute little thing… in there working so hard all day.
We figured it’d be a good idea to prove to a few ornery readers that we’re no Tin Man… that we have a heart. Plus, the test finally got our doc off our back.
We strapped in and went for a run on a treadmill, and then some nice lady in a mask used her magic wand to prove that things were alright.
Like a good maestro… our ticker never missed a beat.
Yellen’s up Next
But tests like these are a funny thing. For all the drugs, machines and textbooks these days, the only way to truly see what’s happening with our heart is to rev up the ol’ boy and let ‘er rip.
Judging by the paperwork, waivers and cardiac crash carts in the hall… not everybody is lucky enough to wipe their brow, thank the nurses and walk home.
Some tests, we suppose, aren’t fun to fail.
Isn’t that right, Ms. Yellen?
Our old “money honey,” Janet, seems eager to head back to the White House, where she’ll undergo quite a test of her own as the next Treasury secretary.
Last time she was in charge of things, she tried to let the economy run on its own… but it just didn’t have the heart for it.
Things stuttered, murmured and never really went anywhere.
Eventually, things had to be shocked back into rhythm.
This time she’ll have an even larger fight. The economy is slipping backward again. The competition in China is reaching a peak, and there’s a new form of money that doesn’t much like the dollar.
Our Message to Janet
During Yellen’s last stint, we wrote her a love letter. She never responded. (Did we have the right address?)
This time we plan to splash some of our best cologne on a copy of our modern asset portfolio (MAP) theory and drop it directly in her mailbox.
That way each time she looks at the soaring price of cryptocurrency… she’ll think of us.
When she sees how the ultra-low rates she helped to cement are distorting the market in odd and powerful ways… her heart will skip a beat.
And when inflation slashes the value of the dollar she’ll soon be in charge of, she’ll remember the smell of that cologne (whew… it’s strong) and remember what we warned.
We’re already seeing it.
Markets surged higher last week as the latest Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) figures showed the manufacturing industry grew at the fastest clip since 2010.
Good news, right?
Eh… only if you’re fully prepared for the inevitable rising prices.
The scariest figures were hidden in last week’s print. Input prices rose at a record pace thanks to rising supplier prices and wage growth.
And what goes in… must come out.
The PMI survey also showed a record rise in output prices.
We hope Janet is paying attention.
Our Advice for You…
It’s news like this that is exactly why we just revealed our new Modern Asset Portfolio to Manward Letter subscribers.
The nation is undergoing a test like we’ve never seen before. It’s not one anyone can afford to fail.
That’s why we put crypto in the portfolio. Our pick is up 35% since we got in last month.
We’re playing the huge boom in buyback stocks that negative real rates have fueled.
That conservative play is up 25% since July.
We’re also sitting on hefty double-digit gains with a hot fintech stock we got into in September. It’s soaring because the banking sector will never be the same again.
And tomorrow we’re releasing our next monthly issue. It has all the details on an Australian company that is taking full advantage of the latest trends in money.
In our two fast-paced trading research advisories, the gains are even bigger.
In them, we’re able to fully maximize the quick-moving shakes and jerks of a market that’s getting one hit of fake adrenaline after the other.
Do or Die
The bottom line in all of this is simple. The world of money is enduring a make-or-break test.
Negative interest rates… massive amounts of printing… and trillions in stimulus are revving things to the max.
Old-school portfolios that weren’t designed for this sort of stress will fail. We can see the proof in the fact that nearly half of the S&P 500 is in the red this year – despite record-setting gains for the index.
We saw our heart… We know it’s strong and capable.
Yellen is about to see hers. Her test will be fierce.
But here’s the deal. If she fails… she’ll lose only her job. You, on the other hand, risk your quality of life and the money you earned.
Odd times lie ahead.
Inflation is coming. We’re convinced of it.
Prepare now and relax as the sweat drips from Yellen’s brow.
What will it take for Janet Yellen to pass the stress test waiting for her? Share your thoughts at mailbag@manwardpress.com.

Andy Snyder
Andy Snyder is an American author, investor and serial entrepreneur. He cut his teeth at an esteemed financial firm with nearly $100 billion in assets under management. Andy and his ideas have been featured on Fox News, on countless radio stations, and in numerous print and online outlets. He’s been a keynote speaker and panelist at events all over the world, from four-star ballrooms to Capitol hearing rooms.