Are You Taking Advantage of These Gifts?
Andy Snyder|December 14, 2021

Something big is happening today.
It’s certainly the first time it’s happened in Manward history. And as far as we know, it’s the first time it’s happened in the financial publishing industry.
As you read this, our very own Alpesh Patel is headed to Windsor Castle. Once there, he’ll receive a very special award – likely from Queen Elizabeth herself.
Alpesh will officially receive the title Officer of the Order of the British Empire.
That’s huge.
We’ve got a few letters behind our name… but none like what will now follow his.
A Gift for You
The award is a bit of a gift for Alpesh – a rare and special one. He will be given it – in the name of God and the Empire – in recognition of his contributions to the British economy. It comes in honor of his decades of work, research and evangelism on the power of the free market and the riches available to anybody who simply dares to harness its power.
We’ve gotten to know Alpesh quite well over the past year. We know that only one thing will be on his mind as he accepts his great honor today.
It’ll be the idea that his work is not yet done. Far from it.
This award doesn’t come at the culmination of his efforts. It comes at their peak – while he’s working day and night to share his message.
It reminds us of an important theme during this holiday season.
We all get and give plenty of gifts. Quite often they feel more like an obligation than a blessing.
Many gifts sit on a shelf for years, gathering dust. Others are mindlessly handed over to the next person on the list. “Regifting” has gone from comedy to common practice. Other gifts, sadly, are hauled to the dump mere days after they were passed from one person to the next.
That raises a question – a question that has great ties to our financial health.
Are you taking advantage of all the gifts you’ve been given?
Missed Opportunities
Take Alpesh, for instance. Over the years, he’s lectured to hundreds of thousands of folks. His books have reached millions of readers. And his essays and articles have appeared in the most circulated of newspapers and magazines.
Yet we bet that not 1 in 10 (and probably not 1 in 100) of those folks has done more than pondered his advice.
We say it’s a waste of a great gift.
Today, we celebrate all the people he has reached. What an accomplishment it is. But we must not forget all the people we still must reach.
That’s why we’re so proud of our relationship with Alpesh. Ah, sure, it allows us to brag and say we publish the words of one of the greatest minds in the world of money. (Thanks to Joel, we also get to brag that we publish the words of one of the world’s greatest libertarian minds as well.)
But what truly makes us proud to work with Alpesh is his ceaseless desire to reach more people… to hand out as many gifts for as long as possible.
Our message today is simple… perhaps even too simple to really hit its mark.
What gifts are you tossing aside?
How would your financial life be better if you simply pulled them off the shelf and put them to use?
We live in a world of information. There’s virtually nothing to yearn for when it comes to financial information. The poor have access to everything the rich do. You can get the same advice from Alpesh that he gives his hedge fund clients.
The only difference, of course, is who takes advantage of it.
Alpesh has been a great gift to us all this year. We know many of our readers follow his advice. They are better off for it.
For that, we offer him our most sincere congratulations. He deserves this tremendous honor.
What a gift he’s given us all.
Note: Access to Alpesh’s popular GVI Investor service is currently closed. But who knows… we may have a holiday gift up our sleeve. Stay tuned.

Andy Snyder
Andy Snyder is an American author, investor and serial entrepreneur. He cut his teeth at an esteemed financial firm with nearly $100 billion in assets under management. Andy and his ideas have been featured on Fox News, on countless radio stations, and in numerous print and online outlets. He’s been a keynote speaker and panelist at events all over the world, from four-star ballrooms to Capitol hearing rooms.