The Tech Sector Selloff Is All About the Money

|August 2, 2024
The giant video screen on the Nasdaq stock exchange in Times Square

Imagine a force so powerful it could reshape our understanding of technology, business, and perhaps life itself.

That force emerged in late 2023: AI. It has been THE narrative guiding the markets since.

But as with any compelling story, there’s always another layer waiting to be revealed.

The initial AI boom has given way to a more nuanced – and potentially concerning – secondary narrative.

Here’s what it means for investors and the tech industry at large.

A Groundbreaking Force

AI emerged in late 2023 as a groundbreaking force… and it has since driven an unprecedented tech-driven rally from November 2023 to today.

That’s the power of a good narrative… the headline mega-narrative I’m calling “The AI Narrative.”

Since ChatGPT’s launch in late 2022, it has captivated the imagination of investors, technologists, and corporate executives.

This surge in enthusiasm has done three things…

  • Driven tech stocks and chipmakers to new heights
  • Placed a spotlight on the strategic investments of major tech companies in AI infrastructure
  • Signaled a new era of technological dominance and economic transformation.

The market quickly recognized the potential of generative AI… from enhancing customer service to automating complex workflows… and so much more.

That sent certain tech stocks soaring…

  • Hardware manufacturers
  • Network providers
  • Cloud companies
  • Chipmakers
  • And data center operators.

And the big tech firms made major commitments to bolster their AI capabilities.

Big Spenders

They announced plans to dramatically increase capital expenditures (or capex). Alphabet alone projected an increase to $48 billion on mostly on AI-related infrastructure. The spending is a strategic shift toward building robust AI data centers.

These capex investments are aimed at enhancing AI offerings and securing a competitive edge in the burgeoning market for AI-powered solutions.

Combined, the spending by tech giants like Alphabet, Microsoft, Amazon, and Meta is estimated to reach a staggering $104 billion in 2024, according to New Street Research.

This scale of investment speaks volumes about the perceived importance of AI technology in maintaining and expanding technological leadership.

But now a new narrative has emerged on top of “The AI Narrative,” which has sparked investor concern.

Uncertain Payoff

This new narrative is the fear that the massive spending by big tech companies – in fact, all tech-related companies and industries chasing “The AI Narrative” – will have two big consequences…

The spending could weigh down earnings of some companies…

And sink the earnings of others that won’t be able to translate their heavy investments into profits.

The stock market’s reaction to this new narrative has been swift and significant. The big tech companies that have powered the market higher on “The AI Narrative” have sold off.

The Nasdaq fell by 4% the day after Alphabet’s earnings call, marking the biggest one-day drop since October 2022.

Such volatility reflects the market’s sensitivity to the big financial commitments involved and the uncertain payoff timeline of AI investments. In other words, the new AI narrative was making its presence felt.

And its presence is widespread.

Beyond the tech giants, a sprawling ecosystem of suppliers – from chipmakers like Nvidia to server manufacturers and even power utilities – have reaped the benefits of “The AI Narrative.”

The demand across the AI supply chain has led to a huge increase in capital expenditure relative to sales. It’s evidence of a robust industry-wide commitment to scaling AI capacities.

But this rapid expansion has not been without its challenges. The heavy reliance on companies like Nvidia has posed risks of supply bottlenecks. And the massive power requirements for AI data centers raises practical and environmental concerns.

Plus, the surge in market expectations – reflected in rising P/E ratios – suggests that any failure to meet those expectations could lead to market corrections.

What we’re witnessing right now is a clash of narratives. “The AI Narrative” is being challenged by a new, more cautious narrative.

So, what’s an investor to do?

Should you trust “The AI Narrative”… or take profits because the new narrative is making headlines?

Here’s where I stand…

The Future Is Clear

The strategic AI investments made today will have long-lasting effects on the tech landscape.

The fundamental shift in how companies invest in and use AI will have a huge impact on operational efficiencies and competitive dynamics.

And the market will continue to experience volatility, thanks to ongoing adjustments and alignments within the tech industry.

But fundamentals rule in the end.

“The AI Narrative” is not just about the technological capabilities of AI… but also about a strategic shift of the tech industry toward an “everything AI” future.

Suffice to say… I remain bullish.

For investors and companies alike, the key is to be optimistic yet exercise caution. Follow the narrative… but use fundamentals to find the strongest players that are positioned to capitalize on the AI revolution’s full potential.

That potential will be owned by the companies investing the most in AI now.

Note: The biggest winner (so far) of “The AI Narrative” has been Nvidia, up 90% year to date despite the recent tech pullback. But its success wouldn’t be possible without what I’m calling “Nvidia’s Secret Partner“… a little-known AI startup that could dominate the potential $25.6 trillion per year AI market. Get the full story now right here before this company becomes a household name.

Shah Gilani
Shah Gilani

Shah Gilani is the Chief Investment Strategist of Manward Press. Shah is a sought-after market commentator… a former hedge fund manager… and a veteran of the Chicago Board of Options Exchange. He ran the futures and options division at the largest retail bank in Britain… and called the implosion of U.S. financial markets (AND the mega bull run that followed). Now at the helm of Manward, Shah is focused tightly on one goal: To do his part to make subscribers wealthier, happier and more free.