Be Thankful for These Big Opportunities
Andy Snyder|November 27, 2021

Editor’s note: In today’s special edition of the Saturday Manward Financial Bulletin, we continue Andy’s two-part essay on being thankful for change. There are immense profit opportunities that result from change… and Andy has more to reveal to you. Read on below.
Yesterday we told you that we’re choosing to be thankful for change this year.
And thanks to all the change we’ve seen in the past year and a half – especially when it comes to the great work migration – there are immense opportunities before us.
Real estate prices are in great flux. For example, in Boise, Idaho, prices went up 32% in a year. In San Antonio, Texas, another city seeing a huge influx of folks, prices are up by nearly 20%.
Yes, that means more retail shops and urban sprawl. It also means soaring home equity and all that goes with that. It’s no coincidence that Brunswick (BC) – the largest boat-maker on the planet – saw its shares soar to record highs in recent months.
Folks are cashing in on the gains in their homes’ values and having some fun with it.
This trend also means big things for online education, especially colleges. Online classes were once considered second-rate, but they’re becoming the norm for many programs.
This changes the dynamics in college towns and means huge things for the companies behind the scenes that enable online learning.
The story is similar with telemedicine. It, too, was once considered a substandard system of care. Now it’s the preferred choice for many.
We should celebrate and be thankful for the opportunities this trend has created.
And there are many more things to be thankful for.
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For example, many tout how tough the pandemic has been on small businesses, yet the American entrepreneurial spirit has not died.
In fact, 4.4 million businesses were created in 2020. That’s the highest number on record. It represents a 51% jump above the average annual business-creation figure over the past decade.
The trend has continued this year. We’ve been averaging just under half a million business launches each month in 2021.
It’s been a boon for our Venture Fortunes subscribers. In that service, we seek out the very best IPO, SPAC and even private equity opportunities in the market today.
Speaking of Manward’s subscription services, Alpha Money Flow subscribers have done quite well of late thanks to cryptocurrency’s huge year.
While oodles of freshly printed money flowing from the Federal Reserve is hardly good news, it’s been the whip that’s gotten the crypto stallion running at a full gallop.
It was back in October 2020 that we first added an allocation to crypto to our Modern Asset Portfolio. Back then, Bitcoin traded for just $13,000.
These days, it’s nearly 400% higher.
There’s a strong chance this trend – and really, all the trends we just mentioned – would have happened even without the pandemic.
But the incredible speed with which we got here is certainly due to the heavy-handed nature of the nation’s COVID-19 response.
And finally, there’s one more piece of good news that came out of the past year and a half.
This one isn’t quite as financially focused, but it’s certainly dear to our heart and has implications (even financial ones) for all of us.
It’s the spotlight that’s been put on the nation’s food system.
Go back to the early days of this passion project of ours, and you’ll hear us pounding the table. Back then, we preached largely to fellow preachers.
Now we’ve got an entire choir listening and a congregation filled with wary Americans.
More folks than ever are curious about where their food comes from and what it means to them. That’s good news.
The financial implications are tremendous here.
Most of our food is shipped all the way across the nation – if not all the way around the world – before it gets to us.
But thanks to major disruptions in the supply chain, folks all across the industrial spectrum are rethinking how they do business.
That’s true whether we’re talking about motorcycles… ball bearings… or food.
There’s a lot of change these days. Some of it, as we’re sure you know, scares us.
But there’s another day for that.
Right now, we’re thankful.
There’s tremendous opportunity out there. And that’s not going to change.
Note: We mentioned the incredible ride Bitcoin has been on… but we’ve got our eye on three cryptos that could be even bigger. They’re all part of the next wave of crypto fortunes. Get the details here.

Andy Snyder
Andy Snyder is an American author, investor and serial entrepreneur. He cut his teeth at an esteemed financial firm with nearly $100 billion in assets under management. Andy and his ideas have been featured on Fox News, on countless radio stations, and in numerous print and online outlets. He’s been a keynote speaker and panelist at events all over the world, from four-star ballrooms to Capitol hearing rooms.