War Reveals the Great Cost of Convenience

War Reveals the Great Cost of Convenience

In war, the people and their wealth come last. The convenience of easy spending comes with a great toll.

Crisis Investing: This Sector Is an Unexpected Winner

Crisis Investing: This Sector Is an Unexpected Winner

As the crisis in Ukraine begins a new chapter, worry over commodities prices and shortages sent these stocks soaring.

Let Hunger Drive You

Let Hunger Drive You

We’ve become a nation that never goes hungry. And that’s not good. Being hungry comes with all kinds of benefits, as Joel explains…

Defying Logic: A Recession Is Coming… Even as Stocks Rise

Defying Logic: A Recession Is Coming… Even as Stocks Rise

We made waves with our big prediction for this year. Our critics say we’re defying logic… but here’s how we’ll prove them wrong.

The Difference Between Reality and Truth

The Difference Between Reality and Truth

Is it worse to be exploited and know it… or to be exploited and not know it?

Walmart Just Made a Big Bet on the Metaverse

Walmart Just Made a Big Bet on the Metaverse

Walmart’s new patent filings are big news. They paint a promising picture for folks who enjoy making a buck or two on early technology.

How to Avoid Big Losses in a Crazy Market

How to Avoid Big Losses in a Crazy Market

Trailing stops allow you to maximize gains… without having to worry about when to sell. Here’s how to use one.

Don’t Learn This Diversification Lesson the Hard Way

Don’t Learn This Diversification Lesson the Hard Way

Few investors diversify the way they’re supposed to… the way the math begs us to. And it’s costing them.

The Death of Taxes Is Here… Thanks to Crypto

The Death of Taxes Is Here… Thanks to Crypto

This opportunity is so big and so powerful that it has the chance to revolutionize the world… Just look to El Salvador.

$3,000 Gold: Two Tickers to Play It

$3,000 Gold: Two Tickers to Play It

Gold is getting a lot of attention… and that’s no surprise. With the economy still a mess and inflation spiking, here are two picks for the coming gold surge.