Amanda Heckman's Archive

Amanda Heckman
Amanda Heckman

Amanda Heckman is the editorial director of Manward Press. With unrivaled meticulousness, she has spent the past dozen or so years – give or take a few sabbaticals – sharpening Andy’s already razorlike wit.

A classically trained musician and a skilled writer in her own right, Amanda takes an artistic approach to the complex world of investing. Her skill has led her to work with numerous bestselling authors, award-winning financial gurus and – lucky for us – the fine folks at Manward Press.  

Don’t Fall for This Hot Investing Trend

There’s a hot investing trend on Wall Street. While it sounds good in theory… in reality, it’s not much more than a ploy designed to attract your dollars. Here’s why.

Talk Is Cheap… Inflation Is Not

The folks at the Fed are talking tough… but we’ll believe them when they actually take action to fix the mess we’re in.

What Andy Revealed in His Big Town Hall

It may sound backward… but the data backs it up. Despite the negative headlines, stocks are sure to soar over the coming months. Here’s why.

10X Bigger Than Crypto

We’re about to pull back the curtain on a brand-new investment opportunity… one that could be 10 times bigger than the entire $1.96 trillion crypto industry.

States Go Rogue and Bring the Profits Home

States are paying attention to the will of their people… and aren’t waiting for the federal government to take action on crypto. For lovers of liberty, it’s a move that should be celebrated.

Do This Before the Fed’s Meeting Next Week

There are many attractive places to put your money as Jay Powell struggles to solve his inflation problem. Here are a few of them…

The Time Is Right for This Undervalued Emerging Market Play

It’s a major commodities player that is undervalued… and just got a huge boost from one of the biggest index fund creators in the markets. Smart investors, take note.

Crisis Investing: This Sector Is an Unexpected Winner

As the crisis in Ukraine begins a new chapter, worry over commodities prices and shortages sent these stocks soaring.

Warren Buffett Saves Face

The Oracle of Omaha is eating his words. Berkshire Hathaway just made a big move into a sector that Buffett had pledged to stay out of. He must be reading Manward…

Three Reasons to Be Bullish on Crypto NOW

Bitcoin, the poster child of the crypto sector, is making big strides in some crucial ways. And that means we’re more bullish on crypto than ever. Here’s what’s going on…