Joel Salatin's Archive

Joel Salatin
Joel Salatin

Joel Salatin calls himself a “Christian libertarian environmentalist capitalist lunatic farmer.” Those who like him call him the most famous farmer in the world, the high priest of the pasture and the most eclectic thinker from Virginia since Thomas Jefferson. Those who don’t like him call him a bioterrorist, Typhoid Mary, a charlatan and a starvation advocate.

With a room full of debate trophies from his high school and college days, 12 published books and a thriving multigenerational family farm, he draws on a lifetime of food, farming and fantasy to entertain and inspire audiences around the world. He’s as comfortable moving cows in a pasture as he is addressing CEOs in a Wall Street business conference.

In addition to penning an exclusive column for Manward Digest, Salatin is the editor of The Stockman Grass Farmer,  the granddaddy of catalysts for the grass farming movement. He also writes numerous guest articles for Acres U.S.A. and other publications.

A frequent guest on radio programs and podcasts targeting preppers, homesteaders and foodies, Salatin’s practical, can-do solutions and passionate soliloquies for sustainability offer everyone food for thought and plans for action.

Watch Out for This New Green Energy Darling

This is like creating a program to help bank robbers spend the money they stole. It’s idiotic.

Failure Is the Only Way to Fix America’s Woes

If the U.S. slides further into economic chaos… Joel has a solution that could solve many of our problems.

Steer Clear of This Mob Mentality

If you see the media, the government and corporate powerhouses all jump on a bandwagon, you can be sure it’s headed the wrong way to the wrong place.

My Checklist for Greater Freedom

Follow these steps for more stability and less worry.

The Economics of Tip Extortion

Many businesses now ask for tips. Folks have tip fatigue and feel put upon. But there’s a simple free market solution.

A Surprising Dollar Alternative

Inflation concerns… debt concerns… privacy concerns… All of these things and more have folks seeking alternatives to the U.S. dollar. Here’s an unorthodox solution.

The Enormous Cost of Putting Belief Over Action

A trip to Washington made it clear to Joel that belief trumps action. That’s why nothing ever changes…

What Really Creates Monopolies in the United States

Washington is working overtime these days to file antitrust litigation. But as history proves, it’s actually government regulations – and well-connected bad actors – that create monopolies.

How to Achieve True Liberty

If you really want freedom and liberty… you need to get rid of these distractions.

The One Thing That Keeps Our Economy Going

Forget about inflation, bankruptcies and the debt ceiling. If we don’t get this one thing right… our economy and our society will fail.