This Will Save America

This Will Save America

Nearly 10 million Americans have lost their jobs in the last two weeks. And this crisis is only getting started. But we’ve got a solution.

Coercion Is Not Freedom

Coercion Is Not Freedom

It’s one thing for a society, and even politicians, to strongly suggest an action or encourage societal behavior in a certain direction. But making it a law is another…

A Reward for the Unprepared

A Reward for the Unprepared

A $2 trillion “stimulus” package was passed into law last week. And the nation cheered. But we say we should all hang our heads and weep.

Mailbag: Don’t Put the Wind Vane on the Barn Yet

Mailbag: Don’t Put the Wind Vane on the Barn Yet

We opened our mailbag to some scary notes this week. And if there’s one person asking, we know there are thousands more afraid to raise their hands.

Why This Crisis Will Never End

Why This Crisis Will Never End

Like a scar across the cheek from a blow we never saw coming, the effects of the coronavirus will last forever. We need to open our minds to this reality.

Five Coronavirus Trends That Could Change Society for Good

Five Coronavirus Trends That Could Change Society for Good

The coronavirus is rapidly changing the way we live. New trends are already beginning to develop… and they could change society permanently.

Rays of Hope in a Storm of Bad News

Rays of Hope in a Storm of Bad News

There’s a lot of bad news out there. But the silver lining is that this virus is helping folks develop immunity to another kind of sickness – a much more chronic one.

Why We Do What We Do

Why We Do What We Do

Things are tough out there. We’ve never seen anything quite like it before. So we’re checking in on you.

Our Interview With a World-Famous Hero of Liberty

Our Interview With a World-Famous Hero of Liberty

We have something special for you… a much-needed reprieve from all the bad news out there. It’s a chance to get to know a personal hero of ours.

The Discomfort of Freedom

The Discomfort of Freedom

Unconventional folks often butt heads with mainstream thinkers. But embracing our differences is the only way to maintain our freedom.