What It Really Takes to Survive a Bear Market

What It Really Takes to Survive a Bear Market

The rewards are out there. They’re not easy to get… nor should they be.

A Financial New World Order Has Arrived

A Financial New World Order Has Arrived

The world’s sovereign bond markets are marching in lockstep in a way that we haven’t seen for a very long time. It’s trouble.

We Should All Be Furious About This New Law

We Should All Be Furious About This New Law

It hardly made the news… but everyone should be talking about the idiocy of this new law. It’s a prime example of why the world is a mess.

100-to-1: Here’s Why the Economy Is Doomed

100-to-1: Here’s Why the Economy Is Doomed

Dr. Richard Gatling thought his creation would change the shape of war. But the results were devastating. Jay Powell and his market-fixing crew should heed the lesson.

The Scary Truth About Our Grueling Labor Shortage

The Scary Truth About Our Grueling Labor Shortage

The nation faces one of the most grueling labor shortages in its history. There are many reasons behind it… but this is the crucial part investors need to watch.

America Has Gone to Hell… But We Have Proof There’s Hope

America Has Gone to Hell… But We Have Proof There’s Hope

Stocks are falling and the economy is a mess. Folks are going broke. But there is hope…

Big Spenders Mean Big Profits

Big Spenders Mean Big Profits

What’s going on in the crypto market should get investors very excited. Deep pockets are spending big.

The Inconvenient Truth About Green Investing

The Inconvenient Truth About Green Investing

With environmental issues now all the investing rage, you can bet all sorts of schemes with dubious green benefits will be born. Joel reveals one such effort for what it really it.

Two Reasons for the Crypto Rally

Two Reasons for the Crypto Rally

Bullish news is turning the crypto market around… and giving investors a big opportunity.

Don’t Fall for This Insane – and Dangerous – Lesson in Economics

Don’t Fall for This Insane – and Dangerous – Lesson in Economics

Forget the dollar going where it’s treated best. We apparently now must put it where it will be treated right, just and fairly. That’s a recipe for mighty trouble.