The Only Difference Between Us and the Worst Market on the Planet

The Only Difference Between Us and the Worst Market on the Planet

It was the second-hottest market on the planet last year… and now prices are plunging so quickly the exchange can’t keep up. Sri Lanka’s problems are the same as ours… except for one difference.

3 Electrifying Stocks to Charge Up Your Portfolio

3 Electrifying Stocks to Charge Up Your Portfolio

Thanks to Elon Musk, lithium-ion batteries are hot right now. They’re the “it” tech in green transportation. The lithium-ion batteries that power most electric vehicles (EVs) can store vast amounts of electrical energy. They can be charged in less than 30 minutes under the right conditions. If damaged, they can be swapped in and out […]

The End of the Dollar Is Suddenly Near

The End of the Dollar Is Suddenly Near

Just as COVID-19 catalyzed tech trends into action… the nasty battle in Europe is quickly adding energy to a trend that looks to upend our monetary system.

Is It Time to Double Down on Bitcoin?

Is It Time to Double Down on Bitcoin?

Each time Bitcoin slips from its highs, the media is ready to write off the entire $2 trillion crypto space. But here’s what our Liberty Indicator has to say…

Video: The Best Stocks for the Best Returns

Video: The Best Stocks for the Best Returns

Will 2022 be another banner year… with record highs and big gains? Or will inflation and rising interest rates drag down the market? It won’t matter if you look at these stocks.

If We Ran the Fed

If We Ran the Fed

If we were in charge of the Fed, the first item on our agenda would tank the economy… but allow the healing to begin.

The “Fix” for a Broken Economy Will Bring Big Rewards

The “Fix” for a Broken Economy Will Bring Big Rewards

The market rewards folks for fixing what’s broken. Just look at George Soros’ bet against the Bank of England.

Why You Need to Follow the Smart Money

Why You Need to Follow the Smart Money

Money goes where it’s treated best… and right now, that’s crypto. And we just got another stark reminder why that’s the case.

This Math Proves Cryptos Are Headed “to the Moon!”

This Math Proves Cryptos Are Headed “to the Moon!”

The wild-eyed enthusiasts have a new chant. And when you see the math, you, too, will agree there’s only one logical path.

The Great Manipulation in Centralization

The Great Manipulation in Centralization

When we rely on sophisticated, multimillion-dollar infrastructure, we make tyranny possible.