Debunking a Major Market Myth About the Dollar

Debunking a Major Market Myth About the Dollar

This “proof” that the world is turning against the U.S. dollar because countries are dumping U.S. government bonds is a load of bunk.

The WORST Investment Ever Goes “Beyond” Meat

The WORST Investment Ever Goes “Beyond” Meat

Forget Beyond Meat’s plummeting stock… Fake meat is the worst investment we’ve ever made… for many reasons.

An Economy Built on Quicksand

An Economy Built on Quicksand

The Leading Economic Index gives us some insight into where the economy is headed. And things don’t look good.

The Only Thing That Matters When It Comes to Building Wealth

The Only Thing That Matters When It Comes to Building Wealth

Folks would rather be told what to do than think for themselves and make the right decisions. But that’s the only way to build wealth.

Preparing for the Worst-Case Scenario

Preparing for the Worst-Case Scenario

A Defense Intelligence Agency veteran warns Joel that things are going off the rails… and describes how to prepare.

A Bald-Faced Lie About the Economy

A Bald-Faced Lie About the Economy

It’s no wonder you can’t trust the mainstream press… when dopes like Paul Krugman are posting bald-faced lies…

Now’s the Time for Contrarian Investing

Now’s the Time for Contrarian Investing

People are very bearish right now. And there are some good reasons for that. But when you dig deeper… you see things aren’t as bad as the media makes them out to be.

Watch Out for This New Green Energy Darling

Watch Out for This New Green Energy Darling

This is like creating a program to help bank robbers spend the money they stole. It’s idiotic.

Do Better: The Cost of Uninformed Investing

Do Better: The Cost of Uninformed Investing

This is not a time to be an uneducated investor. It’ll cost you more than you know.

Long Live Cash

Long Live Cash

Cash makes up more than one-sixth of the average portfolio’s holdings today. Is allocating that much to cash smart? Right now… yes.